What is Manual Osteopathic Therapy (MOT)?

Manual osteopathic therapy (MOT) is a hands on manual approach that aims to restore proper physiological and biomechanical function to joints and myofascial tissue throughout the body. As well as working with the visceral, cranial, arterial and nervous systems of the body we offer a gentle touch approach. The aim of MOT is to decrease built up dysfunction and helping to create an optimal healing environment for oneself to repair and regenerate.

How much does it cost?

30 mins - $90.00

45 mins - $105.00

60 mins - $120.00

75 mins - $140.00

90 mins - $155.00

What forms of payment do you take?

We accept credit card, debit card and cash.

We bill under Registered Massage Therapy and Manual Osteopathic Therapy. Please check your insurance company for their policy.


What should I expect in my first MOT appointment?

Bring comfortable clothes to change into for the session, leggings, shorts, sports bra, tank top, t-shirt - not too tight. 

The initial 75 minute appointment will consist of a thorough health history obtaining chronological events. We may discuss trauma, accidents and injuries as well as any chronic or acute conditions. Nutrition, general health concerns, stress, sleep and exercise habits may also be discussed. Next the therapist will leave the room to wash their hands and allow you to change into your treatment clothes.  We suggest you wear comfortable clothing that you can move in such as listed above. Once the treatment begins there will be a physical assessment looking at the alignment of your bones, coccyx, sacrum and spine as well as peripheral limbs. The therapist will do this assessment visually as well as by palpating (touching) and checking boney landmarks as well as fluid flow. The therapist may ask the client to move into different positions to see the way the body is moving and where restrictions are occurring. We assess clients standing, sitting and lying down. Once we have a thorough health history and assessment we are able to begin treatment which consists of using different techniques that are appropriate for your body and goals. 

What should I expect in my first Registered Massage appointment?

This can be any time length and there is no need to bring clothes to change into because the treatment will be under the sheets. 

Using different massage therapy techniques we will assess the areas of dysfunction as well as create a treatment plan to help you. Creating a calm and relaxing atmosphere to help you alleviate your stressors.

The appointment time includes the assessment, session, homecare, questions, payment and rebooking.